Homeowners insurance is one of the most affordable types of insurance. You get hundreds of thousands in coverage for a relatively small premium. How do you know you got the best deal or the right coverage though? Jared Grant explains…

  • Best way to shop your insurance policy
  • What is homeowner’s insurance and you should have it.
  • What homeowners insurance does do for you and doesn’t
  • Difference between warranties and insurance
  • Why it’s vital to carry insurance even if you are not required
  • Factors that increase your insurance premiums (and how to avoid them)
  • How to reduce your insurance rates
  • Obtaining a occupational discount
  • How to avoid suplerflerous coverage
  • Why no insurance company is immune to premium increases
  • and more…

Quick Tips from Jared

Homeowner’s insurance is much like a team. When you obtain a policy with a particular company you are going into a cash pool with all the other individuals also at that insurance company. As other folks take out claims they are paid from the pool of money. This effects everybody’s rates at that company. On the flip side of that coin companies are looking to balance the team out to average risk down. This is why one company may provide you an inexpensive quote versus another for the exact same coverage.

Sites Referenced in this Podcast

More information

I encourage you to follow up with Jared directly at (520) 447-7900 and obtain a no obligation quote today. Jared is awesome, and will educate you on exactly what’s right for you even.